Sunday, 30 November 2014

A Sunday stroll

Well the sun was shining, so we decided to go out and do some portrait photography. The location was Peterborough Cathedral and Diana wanted to be the model, Who was I to argue...

Just some of the many I took...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Yaxley Festival

Spending a rather pleasant day in the village of Yaxley outside Peterborough, w e were entertained by ABBAlarf. A tribute band dedicated to ABBA (top) various farm machines (bottom), oh yes and a group of people walking dogs (they called it dancing dogs) to music. A form of K9 Red Arrows.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Smelly Pits

Looks like the pigeons of Peterborough have been using the street fountain on the Cathedral Square to have a wash and brush up, might they be getting ready to impress the birds?

Sunday, 30 March 2014

The Birdman of Peterborough

A rather slow day today (Sunday), after a rather awesome lunch we wandered round the city centre looking for something interesting and this just happened right in front of me on Cathedral Square. I don't like feeding pigeons, to me they are rats with wings. But this old gentleman had this little fella's attention almost as if they were discussing the day ...